Understanding the Capacities of The Mark 3 Pump – Updated 2024

Nearly Everyone that goes through the NWCG S-211 course at their local office, or even those in the Contract Fire world may not have very good instructors to convey to the new student just what the Mark 3 or similar hi-pressure pump is capable of, and how this fits in with the courses Hydraulics calculations. While written for the Mark3 pump the information is applicable to all pumps.

Understanding the Capacities of the Mark 3 Pump is a 21 page XPS document (free viewers for smartphones and ipads on the app store) with explanations, formulas, and instructions on how everything fits together.  There is a 8 page document including a “cheat sheet” that shows how to determine the number of mark 3’s and how to use the pumps performance curve for estimating the number of pumps and pump spacing needed for a particular flow demand.  

Questions pertaining to these documents and their use in the field or questions regarding any particular setup are provided via telephone and email at no additional cost anytime. 

Formulas are in US units.  (I have been in contact with some folks that live in the Metric Countries, a Metric version will be in the works). I have added 2 pages of conversion factors common to fire in the last pages.

Simply Email:  Hydro@wildfireengineer.com or call either number on the website.



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Joseph Moylan


Please see the About me link on the wildfireengineer.com website.

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